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Energy Poverty and Energy Communities' status

The term “energy poverty” is not defined in the Bulgarian legislation. Bulgaria lacks a definition and a monitoring system for energy poverty and only the concept of “vulnerable consumers” is used. The Energy Act defines the term “vulnerable consumers” as “household customers in whose property, supplied with electricity, live persons who for reasons of old age, health or income are exposed to the risk of social exclusion about the supply and consumption of electricity and who benefit from social assistance measures to ensure the necessary electricity supplies” (Energy Poverty Observatory, 2020). It includes a wide range of categories: persons over 70 years of age, living alone whose sole source of income is their pensions that is up to the poverty threshold for the respective year, persons with 90% or more limitation of workability and who need additional help, families with children with disabilities who rely on additional help, and persons and families who already receive targeted aid for heating according to the law on social welfare.

At a glance

Why Bulgaria?

Energy Supporters and Mentors in Bulgaria

POWERPOOR provides to everyone who is interested in alleviating energy poverty the opportunity to become an Energy Supporter and Mentor by taking part in training sessions. The content of the trainings is available in the POWERPOOR Online Trainer Library along with other interesting energy poverty related materials. There are various trainings taking place in the 8 pilot countries and in an EU level. Follow us on social media to find out more about the upcoming ones. 

5 trainings have alreadt taken place in Bulgaria. 176 people are trained and 145 of them followed the certification process and became POWERPOOR Energy Supporters or Mentors. 

Energy Poverty Alleviation Offices in Bulgaria

In Bulgaria, 2 Energy Poverty Alleviation Offices have been established. One is in the municipality of Sofia and the other one is in the municipality of Plovdiv.The role of energy poverty alleviation offices can be found here.


Other municipalities within the POWERPOOR network

In Bulgaria, 7 municipalities are engaged in the POWERPORO project. The municipalities are Sofia, Plovdiv, Vidin, Dobrich, Smolyan, Svilengrad, Beloslav.

Find out some key best practices from implementing the POWERPOOR appoach in Bulgaria. 

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