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Events | 01.04.2021

Internal Capacity Building activities - 2nd train the trainers' session


Following up on our Internal Capacity Building Activities we organised the second train the trainers' session on the 29th of March!


We are training people within our consortium, so that they can train the potential Energy Supporters and Mentors in a national level, as well as become Energy Supporters and Mentors themselves.

Modules 3 and 4 focus on on the one hand, innocative joint energy innitiatives such as energy communities/ cooperatives or crowdfunding campains, on the other hand on how to incorporate energy poverty alleviation strategies in local energy planning. 

2nd training

After tthis sessions, POWERPOOR trainers are going to be fully ready to support people suffering from energy poverty as well as train other to do the same by becoming energy supporters and mentors.

You can find the second training session here